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Jing Wan

I am Jing Wan from China. I studied Bioinformatics at Huazhong Agricultural University in Wuhan, where I obtained my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. I was a visiting student during my master program at the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen. During my master, I studied 3D genome and regulatory element in human, mouse and Arabidopsis. Previous study experience aroused my interest strongly in genomics. It’s very cool and interesting to how non-coding DNA variation lead to human diseases. In my PhD, I will study human genetic variation at Epromoters with Salvatore Spicuglia at TAGC-Inserm and Aix-Marseille University in France. I’m looking forward to study and interact with other researchers in ENHPATHY network.

Beyond the work, I like hiking, cycling, photographing, watching science fiction.

My research project

Dissection of coordinated stress responses by novel promoter elements with enhancer activity (WP1)

We recently demonstrated that a subset of gene promoters, termed Epromoters, works “also” as bona fide enhancers and regulate distal gene expression. Subsequently, we found that Epromoters play a key role in the coordination of rapid gene induction in the stress response, in particular during inflammation. The ESR will study the functional role of Epromoters in different stress and inflammatory conditions, determine their impact in genome topology, and establish in vivo models to assess Epromoter variation in inflammatory diseases. This systematic approach will unravel the basic molecular mechanisms of this novel type of regulatory elements and shed the basis of their potential involvement in diseases.